Trades Franchise Targets Albany, NY

The Brothers that just do Gutters currently services the Hudson Valley and is looking to surround their already successful region with a new franchise location in Albany! Albany County is right outside of Columbia county, which our Brothers that just do Gutters NY territory services. Since Albany’s territory is touching our current service area, there are mutual benefits. Our NY advertising could help get this territory up and running, and being geographically close is great for training.

Albany County, NY had a population of 1,135,757 as of 2010, with a projected increase population of 1,145,197 for 2015, and a projected 1,151,563 increase by 2020. Of this population total, there were 463,284 households in 2010, with 314,262 being owner occupied dwellings, as of 2015. The average household income for this territory as of 2015 is $74,037. This makes the Albany, NY territory region a preferred market. Preferred markets are based on 300,000 – 400,000 owner occupied dwellings, where as the standard market ranges from 200,000 – 300,000.

Albany County is the home to the state capital and the seat of state government. Its 19 municipalities combine rural farming communities, suburbs, and a vibrant downtown Albany that continues to grow. According to the 2014 estimates released by the U.S. Census bureau, the Capitol region continues to see a growth pattern. Are you from the Albany County area and looking to own your own business within the trades and/or construction industry? Visit our franchise site today for more information!